I always miss your launches, where can i get the latest news?
Follow us at our Instagram! We are much more active there than Facebook! We usually do launches on Sundays and try *keyword ...try to do 2 launches per month hahaha :)
Do you do meet ups?
We usually don't but we may be able to accommodate to special circumstances. Just drop us a DM with your order number to our Instagram!
I want to see your pieces in person, do you do pop-ups?
We try to do at least 2 pop-ups a year! This is when you most probably could see the pieces in person! Find out where we will be booth-ing at here!
Do you do custom order?
Yes! Drop us a DM on our ig or send us a message here and we will get back to you within 3 working days!

Can't find the questions you have for us? Get in touch with us!